Academic Assessment Tools used at OMS
05Aug, 2019
- Observation
- Observer’s anecdotal notes
- Observation of Montessori materials as these are very visual
- Curriculum checklists
- The ‘Three Period’ Lesson
- A concept or activity is demonstrated to the student and the language is given. E.g. “This is the isosceles triangle.”
- The student works with the concept, repeating or extending it. This period engages the student for an extensive period of time. The adult says, “Show me the isosceles triangle.”
- The concept is mastered. E.g. When the student can answer the question: “What shape is this?” At this stage, the student is ready for the next level of work.
- Self and peer reflection or assessment
- Rubrics – itemized descriptions of what is expected in a piece of work (e1 and e2 level)
- Work samples, portfolios (collections of work)
- Student journals and regular, individual student/teacher meetings
- Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences (Upper Elementary), Parent/Teacher Conferences (Casa, Lower Elementary), and other parent communications
- Classroom tests: small quizzes in Elementary- spelling, French as a Second Language; at The Element – knowledge and skill based tests
- Norm Referenced, Standardized Test of Achievement, CAT 4 (Canadian Achievement Tests, 4thEdition) for Grades 2 and older, given in October