Parent-Teacher Interviews at OMS

At OMS and The Element, parents and teachers will connect to discuss each students’ learning progress and development. Unlike in many conventional parent-teacher conferences, we ensure that the student themselves is not only present for this discussion, but has an active role in leading the conversation.
In the spirit of Montessori, we want to highlight the role of the individual student and to empower them to direct their own learning. We ensure that each student feels capable of succeeding in life by their own merit, and feels proud to show off their individual successes. Inviting each child to be an active participant in their learning plan and discuss their challenges with their teachers and parents also promote self-assessment and self-correction, another important tenet of Montessori programs.
At The Element, adolescent students are given a list of questions to answer about their own learning goals, projects, and challenges. They are prompted to think about their successes, their ideas, and their passions, to show their parents work they have completed and discuss areas where they feel they can improve.
Adolescents are critical by nature. They wish to have opportunities to think for themselves and to be responsible, and we view the parent-teacher conference as a key opportunity to help them develop this responsibility, to set goals, as well as to practice self-reflection and self-assessment.
Even at OMS, younger students are still invited to attend parent-teacher conferences and take active part in the discussion, though teachers do offer more guidance and direction. It’s still the students’ individualized plans, goals, and self-assessments that make up the basis of the interview.
For parents, this conference is an opportunity to listen to the child and take their input into account when considering the challenges and opportunties that come with daily school life, as well as to bring up any concerns they have around the child’s progress and development.
To learn more about our parent-teacher conferences and our Montessori methods of assessment, you can always give us a call!